Lower-body focused session

  • Deficit deadlifts

  • Front foot elevated split squat

  • Bulgarian split squat

Upper-body session

Focusing on heavy load and dynamic movements.

Tips for fat loss when dieting.

I highly encourage my clients to start with a 2 week period of high protein, fat and low carbs diet. Most people are insulin resistant and resetting your hormonal levels of increased blood sugar will help with the process of losing weight and having a more positive effect on hunger and energy levels. I also believe that intermittent fasting can play an important role in controlling calorie consumption . Choose high protein and fat meals with non-starch carbohydrates . Adding in lower glycemic fruits to increase fibre and satiety into your diet.

Why you should train full body sessions.

Ifyour training less than 3 times per week in the gym, you should incorporate full body session workouts into your program instead of body part splits. Focusing on upper / lower body sessions will greater impact your fat loss goals. One of the main benefits is time efficiency and greater energy expenditure, especially if you focus on the main compound movements e.g Back squats, pull ups.



Healthy lunch food choices on a busy schedule.

When you are trying to lose weight, constantly eating out will have an negative effect on your fat loss journey . You are basically pushing shit uphill . A better choice is to visit your local supermarket salad bar, and select items such as shown in these photos. This was my lunch today, chicken breast pieces, boiled eggs, black olives, cucumber, feta and mozzarella cheese. This meal contains high quality protein, fat and fibre with the added fruit. Very low carbohydrates to keep your blood sugar level stable and your hunger at bay. Also ditch the sugary sodas and juices and replace them with sparkling mineral water.